Monday, January 27, 2020

Wilco setlist: Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Mexico 1/25/20

Wilco’s last show for over a month was a special one as it was the final concert for their stage manager/Jeff Tweedy’s guitar tech, Matthew McNamara. McNamara has worked for the band for over a dozen years, and was well known to fans so it was fitting that Tweedy and company give him a proper send off. During the first song of the encore, “Kingpin,” Tweedy informed the audience of McNamara’s leaving, encouraged them to sing “Goodbye,” and changed one of the lines to “How can I say goodbye to you/when I don't know what to do?”

As for the rest of the show, the band returned to the type of setlists they were doing over the first leg of the Ode to Joy tour, but, perhaps inspired by the reception to the three nights at the Sky Blue Sky festival when they played 76 songs with no repeats, they packed the show with a lot of choice crowd pleasers.

It went like this: 

Teatro Metropólitan, Mexico City, Mexico 1/25/20

“Before Us”
“I Am Trying to Break Your Heart”
“War on War”
“Handshake Drugs”
“At Least That’s What You Said”
“One and a Half Stars”
“Can’t Stand it”
“Via Chicago”
“Bull Black Nova”
“Random Name Generator”
“Impossible Germany”
“Jesus, Etc.”
“Love is Everywhere (Beware)”
“Box Full of Letters”
“Everyone Hides”
“Heavy Metal Drummer”
“I’m the Man Who Loves You”
“Hold Me Anyway”
“Spiders (Kidsmoke)”
“The Late Greats”


“California Stars”
“Red Eyed and Blue”
“I Got You (At the End of the Century)
“Outtasite (Outta Mind)”
“A Shot in the Arm”

Wilco’s next show will be at The Sylvee in Madison, Wisconsin on March 9, 2020.

Official show poster at the top of this post created by Jose Garcia / Zoca

Daniel Cook Johnson’s Wilcopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Music of America’s Best Band is available for order here.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wilco closes out their Sky Blue Sky festival with another epic set

Wilcos Sky Blue Sky festival, which was held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Riviera Maya, Mexico, came to an epic end last night. Jeff Tweedy & comedy, who performed in pajamas (or something resembling pajamas), didnt repeat one song from the previous two nights. That means that over the three concerts they played in total 76 songs spanning their entire career.

Fans who werent there can feast on this (and YouTube clips from the show):

Hard Rock Hotel, Riviera Maya, Mexico 1/18/20

“When You Wake Up Feeling Old”
“Whole Love”
“Company in My Back”
“War on War”
“One Wing”
“I Might”
“Airline to Heaven”
“Via Chicago”
“Cold Slope”
“King of You”
“Laminated Cat” (aka “Not For the Season”)
“Impossible Germany”
“It’s Just That Simple”
“California Stars”
“Shouldn’t Be Ashamed”
“An Empty Corner”
“Say You Miss Me”
“Everyone Hides”
“Dawned on Me”
“A Shot in the Arm”


“Outtasite (Outta Mind)”
“I’m A Wheel”
“The Thanks I Get”

Wilco’s next show is at the Teatro Metropólitan in Mexico City, Mexico, on Saturday, January 25.

Daniel Cook Johnson’s Wilcopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Music of America’s Best Band is available for order here.

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

The first 2 nights of Wilco’s Sky Blue Sky Fest returned diversity to their sets

Wilcos new Sky Blue Blue festival at the Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya, which began over the weekend, has so far featured the band’s most diverse setlists since 2017. During the first leg of the Ode to Joy tour, fans complained about how samey each shows song choices were. The first two nights of Wilcos new festival appeared to be devised for those fans with rosters that were made up of over 50 different tunes with no repeats.

Check em out:

Hard Rock Hotel, Riviera Maya, Mexico 1/18/20

“Bright Leaves” / “Either Way” / “Handshake Drugs” / “Side with the Seeds” / “One and a Half Stars” / “I Must Be High” / “The Joke Explained” / “I’ll Fight” / “Too Far Apart” / “Someone to Lose” / “Secret of the Sea” / “Hotel Arizona” / “Ashes of American Flags” / “Hummingbird” / “Passenger Side” / “Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again)” / “Someday Soon” / “I’m Always in Love” / “Hold Me Anyway” / “Red Eyed and Blue” / “I Got You (At the End of the Century)” / “Hate it Here” / “Heavy Metal Drummer” / “I’m the Man Who Loves You”

Encore: “Spiders (Kidsmoke)”

Hard Rock Hotel, Riviera Maya, Mexico 1/19/20

“Wilco (The Song)” / “Wishful Thinking” / “Can’t Stand it” / “Before Us” / “I Am Trying to Break Your Heart” / “Kamera” / “If I Ever Was a Child” / “That’s Not the Issue” / “Walken” / “White Wooden Cross” / “Pot Kettle Black” / “How to Fight Loneliness” / “Bull Black Nova” / “Random Name Generator” / “Sky Blue Sky” / “Kingpin” / “Box Full of Letters” / “Theologians” / “Jesus Etc.”/ “We Were Lucky” / “Love is Everywhere (Beware)” / “The Late Greats” / “Misunderstood”

Encore: “Monday” / “Hoodoo Voodoo”

Wilco’s next show is on Tuesday night, the 21st. It sure will be interesting to see what they break out then.

Daniel Cook Johnson’s Wilcopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Music of America’s Best Band is available for order here.

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year from Wilcopedia!

I really can’t say that 2019 was a great year, what with deaths of some friends and family, problems with jobs and automobile repairs, and some legal whatnot, but I was happy to get my first book, Wilcopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Music of America’s Best Band (order it here!), published - with much thanks to Jawbone Press! Thanks to all the folks that bought it and came to my readings (and who are following this blog!).

Happy 2020 everybody!

My cat Bob with a mock-up of the cover of Wilcopedia 

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Wednesday Wilco Song Spotlight: “Evicted”

T his entry of the Wednesday Wilco Song Spotlight shines on a track from Jeff Tweedy, and company’s latest album, Cousin . It is the first s...