Thursday night, Wilco concluded Winterlude, their four night residency at the Chicago Theatre, which was also their last concert of 2019. While the main set won’t surprise any fan that's been following the Ode to Joy tour, the encore should've satisfied both the casual and hardcore.
After the obvious crowd-pleaser that is “California Stars,” Jeff Tweedy and company broke out “Spiders (Kidsmoke),
Wilco’s farewell to 2019 set went a little something like this:
“Bright Leaves”
“Before Us”
“I Am Trying to Break Your Heart”
“War on War”
“Handshake Drugs”
“At Least That’s What You Said”
“One and a Half Stars”
“I Might”
“Via Chicago”
“Bull Black Nova”
“Random Name Generator”
“Impossible Germany”
“Jesus, Etc.”
“We Were Lucky”
“Love is Everywhere (Beware)”
“Box Full of Letters”
“Everyone Hides”
“Dawned on Me”
“Outtasite (Outta Mind)”
“I’m the Man Who Loves You”
“Hold Me Anyway”
“California Stars” (w/James Elkington on electric guitar)
“Spiders (Kidsmoke) ”
“Happy Xmas (War is Over)” * (w/Sharon Van Etten, Sylvan Esso'sAmelia Meath and Nick Sanborn, Ohmme's Sima Cunningham and Macie Stewart, and Casey Gomez Walker, Spencer
Tweedy and Liam Kazar)
* John Lennon/Yoko Ono
Official show poster at the top of this post created by Zoca/Jose Garcia
Daniel Cook Johnson’s Wilcopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Music of America’s Best Band is available for order here.
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